four whole walnuts on a table

3 Powerhouse Benefits of Walnuts: Improve your gut and brain health with walnuts

A “leaky gut” has been a hot topic lately. This means there is damage to the gut microbiota (dysbiosis). Common symptoms of a leaky gut are, gas and bloating, inconsistent bowel movements, indigestion and heart burn. Symptoms are not only experienced in the digestive tract, but if you have dysbiosis of the gut you may also experience fatigue, brain fog, mood imbalances, joint and muscle pains, or weight gain.  Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI, and author of Fiber Fueled, says “I totally believe that all health and disease starts in the gut.”

Speaking of brain health, did you know that Alzheimer’s disease is the 7th leading cause of death for adults? Most people associate Alzheimer’s with the older population, generally 60 plus years of age, but it takes decades to develop. Eating a diet rich in plant foods, including nuts and seeds can be very beneficial to lowering the risk of this disease, and increasing your brain health and function in general.  

So how do you improve your gut health and brain health all at once? The answer, a more plant based or vegan diet. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It's also important to limit processed foods, instead opting for products that are vegan and gluten-free and made from natural ingredients, exactly like our Brainy Bar energy bars.

One of the key ingredients to Brainy Bar is the walnut. We chose walnuts not only for their delicious taste but because they’re packed with gut healing and brain boosting benefits.  

  1. Antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances found in natural foods, most know berries to be high in antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals naturally occur in the body when food is turned into energy, from exercise, and exposure to pollutants like smoke and air pollution. Free radicals damage cells in the body leading to chronic disease. We need antioxidants to combat free radicals. Walnuts have the highest antioxidant count than any other nut.  

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a polyunsaturated fat, or more commonly know as “the good kind of fat”. Omega-3s are essential, meaning you must get them from your diet. Walnuts just happen to also have the highest content of omega-3s than any other nut. Why are they so important though? A higher intake of omega-3s has been proven to increase memory, abstract reasoning, logical reasoning, and reading abilities.

  1. Fibre

The only way to have a healthy gut microbiome (like we talked about in the beginning), is to eat a fibre rich diet. Unfortunately the standard diet among adults today is tragically deprived of fibre. An ounce of walnuts has almost 2 grams of fibre, and just one brainy bar has 7 grams of fibre (medium bar). Remember what Dr. B said, all chronic conditions start in the gut; so eat your fibre and protect yourself against disease, including those that effect the brain.

Brainy Bar energy bars are a good source of protein, fibre, and other nutrients, and can help to sustain energy levels and keep you feeling full and satisfied. Eating one a day should cover the bases of your micro and macro nutrient requirements.


  1. Fiber Fueled, Dr. WIll Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI
  3. How Not to Die, Michael Greger, MD, FACLM
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